I went on a field trip for social studies and for science and I thought it was kind of fun but at the same time I would get kind of bored. The thing that was really exiting to me was when we went to the big movie theater! It was shaped like a golf ball, and it was huge, the thing that was the coolest was that I was on the top row, so I was the highest. My second favorite thing was going to the museum of man. We got to dress up and and I brang my camera and I took lots and lots of pictures. Then we had time to take pictures of ancient artifacts like old egyption mummies and baby egyptions and even the things that they put the mummies in when they died. The last thing we did in the museum of man was to mold our own little mummy people out of clay. It was all a pretty good day.
today my dog was super hyper! He gave my little kitten a horsey ride on the back, it was hilarious! My cat looked so afraid. It looked like he was holding on the collar like his life depended on it. It was a funny sight because he is so big and my cat is a little kitten and they were running up and down the hallway.
today in the gym there was this guy that looked like one of those women that have very big muscles. It was disgustingly but funny at the same time! I got so freaked out!